Koehler Group organizes celebration for former employees

Koehler Group has held its traditional retirees party for the first time in four years at the Erwin-Braun-Halle in Oberkirch. Previous events had to be put on hold due to the pandemic, so former employees from the Oberkirch and Kehl sites could not wait to attend this year’s celebration.
The festivities were opened by the 16-piece Koehler company band, led by Alois Sauer. Thomas Lampart, Chairman of the Works Council of the Koehler Group, and Alexej Dmitrenko, Head of Personnel Consulting and Support, were on hand to greet the large number of retirees in attendance, plus their companions.
In order to keep them up to date with the latest happenings at Koehler Group, all guests were given a comprehensive overview of the current sales and turnover as well as planned new projects and investments, which have been completed since 2019 or are currently in progress. The “Koehler Quiz” then gave retirees the chance to answer questions and win some fantastic prizes at the end of the evening. With a supporting program including a performance from musician Helmut Dold, known under the stage name “DE HÄMME”, followed by an evening meal, the 300-plus guests had ample opportunity to catch up.
Alexej Dmitrenko thanked everyone who had helped to make the event such a success and summed up the day as follows: “Once again this year, we wanted the retiree party to highlight that it is the employees who make Koehler what it is.”