New issue of circular now available - magazine for sustainable progress
While other companies are still figuring out whether they should change where they get their power from, the Koehler Group is already charging full speed ahead with its transformation process. In fact, the foundation of Koehler Renewable Energy twelve years ago was what kick-started the growth and evolution of what has become a second pillar undergirding the Koehler Group. But that is not all, however: With its 2030 Koehler Promise, the company has also set incredibly ambitious goals for itself, namely generating more renewable energy with its own facilities than required for its paper production operations by 2030.
With a variety of new contributions from all corners of the company, this new issue of circular illustrates what sustainable development and circular thinking mean for the Koehler Group. This issue provides a look at strategies, initiatives, and successes in the area of sustainability, all of which reflect the family business’ commitment to environmentally conscious and future-focused company policies.
circular, the Koehler Group magazine for sustainable progress, is available starting today.