Wind Power Project to Supply Green Energy Directly to Koehler Paper Site in Oberkirch

More specifically, its project for directly powering the Koehler Paper site in Oberkirch with self-produced green energy is taking shape: After a detailed analysis, the area on the Schwend ridge between Oberkirch and Kappelrodeck was identified as an ideal site for wind turbines that will be used to power the Oberkirch plant directly. Moreover, a public meeting held by the town council of Oberkirch recently culminated in the decision to allow Koehler Renewable Energy to use the area to set up wind turbines, with the plan being to erect two of them.
Energy security and climate-neutral production
The project will make an important contribution to achieving the Koehler Group’s goal of significantly re-ducing the CO2 emissions from its paper production operations while simultaneously ensuring that power comes from a reliable, cost-effective, and regional source. This is where the area on the ridge close to the plant in Oberkirch comes in, as it was designated as a priority area for wind power in the corresponding regional plans. In fact, the general suitability of the site was confirmed in the corresponding preliminary survey with the latter’s incorporation into the aforementioned plans. And by directly powering the Koehler Paper plant by connecting the wind turbines directly to it, the company will be making a vital contribution to decarbonizing its production operations while simultaneously boosting the regional creation of value.
An important step for the long-term future of the site
Given the sharp rise of energy costs in Germany in the past few years, having a reliable source of renewable energy is a key challenge for energy-intensive companies like the Koehler Group. The company needs large amounts of green electricity both to meet its own climate goals and to comply with the requirements set forth by the German government and the state of Baden-Wuerttemberg.
The planned wind farm will make a decisive contribution to ensuring the long-term future of the site and job security at the Oberkirch site. At the same time, the project is showing how renewable energy can boost the financial stability of individual companies. “Covering our power needs with self-produced green energy will make a crucial contribution to the long-term future of the economy in our region. Additionally, the planned wind farm shows how climate protection can go hand in hand with economic prosperity,” Mayor Gregor Bühler underscores.